Medical outpatients involved a full redecoration of the entire department with several rooms receiving refurbishment works which included full room reconfiguration with demolition, new internal and external doors, IPS, wall cladding, crash protection, ceilings, kitchens, Dirty utility, stores and fire proofing upgrade and new dampers and damper panel install along with a full nurse call fire alarm and emergency lighting install. These works happened in a busy live environment ensuring all NHS services were maintained. SDEC involved a full refurb to create 7 triage bays various MDT spaces new dirty utility drug store waiting area accessible WC and 2 main receptions as well fire proofing upgrade with new fire/smoke dampers and damper panel install along with a full nurse call fire alarm and emergency lighting install. All this work was phased to ensure that both units had maximum live space whilst ensuring the project was delivered within the tight 12 week progamme
Wonford D1 Outpatients and SDEC, Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital
New Build and Refurbishment Works
Project Value: £1.7M
Client: Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital
Medical outpatients involved a full redecoration of the entire department with several rooms receiving refurbishment works which included full room reconfiguration with demolition, new internal and external doors, IPS, wall cladding, crash protection, ceilings, kitchens, Dirty utility, stores and fire proofing upgrade and new dampers and damper panel install along with a full nurse call fire alarm and emergency lighting install. These works happened in a busy live environment ensuring all NHS services were maintained. SDEC involved a full refurb to create 7 triage bays various MDT spaces new dirty utility drug store waiting area accessible WC and 2 main receptions as well fire proofing upgrade with new fire/smoke dampers and damper panel install along with a full nurse call fire alarm and emergency lighting install. All this work was phased to ensure that both units had maximum live space whilst ensuring the project was delivered within the tight 12 week progamme