New Emergency Department FLIC (Front Loaded Initial Care) Area, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth

New Emergency Department Area

Project Value: £350K

Client: Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Works were carried out at a fast pace adjacent to (and shared access with) a live Emergency department & ambulance drop off area. Works included, demolitions, structural works, new partitions and bash protection, M&E strip out and installation, fireproofing, new & replacement doorsets, IPS units, reception counters, automated aluminium doors, flooring, ceilings, decorations, curtain rails and tracks. The project was delivered on time, in budget and with compliments from both the hospital estates and infection control.



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New Emergency Department Area

Project Value: £350K

Client: Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Works were carried out at a fast pace adjacent to (and shared access with) a live Emergency department & ambulance drop off area. Works included, demolitions, structural works, new partitions and bash protection, M&E strip out and installation, fireproofing, new & replacement doorsets, IPS units, reception counters, automated aluminium doors, flooring, ceilings, decorations, curtain rails and tracks. The project was delivered on time, in budget and with compliments from both the hospital estates and infection control.
