“The ED reconfiguration has transformed the footprint of the Emergency Department at the RDUH. The build has increased our capacity in all areas and expanded our resuscitation footprint from 3 to 8 spaces with two being dedicated to children. This area not only provides a modern approach to emergency medicine but also provides an environment for all staff to be proud of and work efficiently. We are excited to continue with the next element of the build and complete the Children’s ED and PAU, this will again provide a bespoke area for children to be cared for whilst collocating with PAU, this will improve team working, collaboration and patient pathways.
Nevada have worked closely with myself and formed a close relationship to discuss concerns and review plans, enabling the department to function without unnecessary impact to the rest of the team. It’s clear to all those working in ED that the Nevada team are invested in the scheme and do all they can to ensure a good working environment whilst delivering elements of the build.”
Gavin Best, Clinical Project Manager for Emergency Department